

It all started when I became frustrated working on my day job as an IT Software Engineer and decided that I cannot be in this job for my whole life.
But there was a HUGE problem. Wasn’t it too late? I was already in my mid-thirties, married, and just became a dad in 2017. Which meant lots of responsibilities & liabilities and very little flexibility to quit my job and try anything new.
But nonetheless, I started my journey towards financial freedom, one step at a time moving closer each day to my dream…. A dream to live life to the fullest, a dream with no alarm clock, a dream free of the dreaded feeling one feels on a Sunday night, thinking about the start of another week next morning to lead a life with no freedom…
Fast forward to today, I now run 2 successful online businesses together with my Wife and passionately grow my net worth through my Investment Portfolio. When the pandemic struck in 2020, I got laid off from my IT job and cared a hang about it, since I already had my backups (my business & investments) ready by then.
Today I am a 9-to-5 Outsider, working on my own schedules whenever I want, from wherever I want. And so, now it is my mission to help others experience the same.
Remember, you don’t need to be a millionaire to achieve freedom, all you need is to be in a position where you can say “I work because I LIKE to work, NOT because I HAVE to work”.
That’s what the 9-to-5 Outsider status is all about.
Are you interested?
Read On

The Investor Me.


Ever since I read “The Cashflow Quadrant” by Robert Kiyosaki, it became my dream to be a Full Time Investor, because that is where the true freedom entails. If you have not read the book, you won’t realize what I am talking about. Do yourself a favor, read it. You won’t repent.
My investment portfolio is the foundation of my success & freedom in life, it is my little army who works for me 24X7 and keeps on adding to my net worth.
Meet my 3 warriors below.
My investment journey started in 2015, when I realized the importance of holding equities in solid companies for long term. I have been fortunate enough to get a chance to buy shares of companies like
  1. Shopify at split-adjusted $3.20 (with 2700% growth & counting)
  2. Amazon at split-adjusted $16.30 (with 1100% growth & lots of room to run still)
  3. Nvidia at split-adjusted $1.90 (with 6400% growth & still growing strong)
  4. Facebook (now Meta) at $79 (with 500% growth & massive potential ahead)
  5. Tesla at split-adjusted $133 (with 125% growth and waiting to overtake all my previous bets in the long run)
I am obsessed with stocks. Sorry if I bored you, but nothing beats to see your money working for you, rather than you working your butt off for money.
Ahhh… the controversial world of cryptocurrencies… Isn’t it? Whatever it is my friend, it is up to you to believe it or not, debate it or judge it, but Crypto is here to stay, Bitcoin is far from going away… Period!!!
This is my 2nd strongest warrior, and I seriously think that my Crypto Portfolio (consisting of some huge wins in BTC, ETH, LINK, SOL and several others) will outrun my Stocks Portfolio in the next 5-10 years.
It’s a dream come true for me when I got to know that everyday people like you and me can invest in startups now.
Startup Investing, also known as Angel Investing used to be reserved for the millionaires and billionaires only. But not anymore… The rule has changed and the moment I knew it I jumped on the wagon.
Till date I am an Angel Investor for 26+ startups, including companies working on some of the disruptive technologies like EV, AI, Robotics & FinTech. And I have plans to grow my Startup Portfolio to 100+ companies in the long run.
Now Off to my business

The Entrepreneur Me.


Yes, my online businesses provide me the cashflow I require to pay my bills as well as feed my little army, a.k.a. my investment portfolio…
But hmmm…. Where to start with my entrepreneurial story… Tell you what, I will just leave aside the long form of my journey as of now.
Just know that I have been through numerous types of online businesses, tried and failed in so many ventures that I have lost count of it.
But as they say that success comes when you don’t quit. And that’s exactly what I did. I didn’t quit no matter what.
If you are realistically looking to start a side business, so that you can quit your job down the line, your best bet has to be an online business, NOT an offline one.
Why you ask?
Because in short, it requires both time & money to build a business, but it requires far lesser capital to start an online business than an offline one, and as far as time commitment goes, you can work on your online business even after midnight, when your wife & kids are off to sleep, which is not possible in an offline business. Do you get the why?
Ok enough rambling… Here are the 2 types of online businesses that I am currently involved in.
In this business me and my team create and self-publish fiction novels on various platforms like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Apple Books and Kobo in a variety of formats like eBooks, Paperbacks & Audiobooks.
We have even started to translate our books in German and publish those on Amazon Germany. Our next plan is to get into the Spanish market.
We use Amazon Ads, Facebook Ads and Email Marketing to drive targeted traffic to our books and are paid consistent royalties each month for our book sales.
This is actually one of the very first businesses that I started in my initial years. While I failed in almost all my initial endeavors, somehow this business survived.
Affiliate Marketing is the process of promoting other people’s products and getting a commission on each sale.
We usually operate in the health & fitness niche in this business and drive traffic through SEO and Facebook Ads to our website featuring the affiliate offers.
Check out what next

My “Secret” Weapon.


Never in my life had I thought of becoming an entrepreneur, and doing business full time.
It all started with me getting frustrated in my IT job and looking for other alternatives to earn a living. Which led me to the world of non-fiction books.
And that’s when the real shift in my mindset started happening, and oh boy… it was such a fulfilling journey from the day I got hit by the entrepreneurial bug. I will tell you the story one day.
Since then I have read well over 100 books on topics including Entrepreneurship, Business, Marketing, Investment, Self-Development, Psychology, Mindset, Personal Finance, Success Habits and everything related.
Below is the just a few of my favorites which have impacted my mindset deeply, because let me tell you a secret my friend, Mindset IS Everything.
Here you go…
  • The Millionaire Fastlane by MJ Demarco
  • Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki
  • The Cashflow Quadrant by Robert Kiyosaki
  • Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion by Robert B. Cialdini
  • The 4-Hour Work Week by Tim Ferriss
  • The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy
  • Quiet: The Power of Introverts by Susan Cain
  • Think & Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
  • How To Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie
  • The Promise Of A Pencil by Adam Braun
  • Atomic Habits by James Clear



You are more than welcome to follow me or connect with me in any or all of the social media platforms below.